The Significance of Generativity on Visitors’ Psychological Well-being in Egyptian Museums, Mediated by Experience and Engagement

Document Type : Research Articles


Tourism studies department, faculty of tourism and hotels, Helena university


The increasingly important role of museums has motivated academics and professionals in this field to concentrate more on museum visitors. Visiting museums has recently become a way for visitors to satisfy their generative needs. So this study was conducted to explore generativity, defined as the desire to improve and protect the younger generations’ improvement through self-expanding forms, and its significance on museums’ visitors’ psychological well-being, experience and engagement. For this purpose, 360 structured online questionnaires were conducted with the visitors of Great Cairo historical museums. This questionnaire consisted of 36 items based on a five-point Likert scale technique ranging from: “strongly disagree” (1); to “strongly agree” (5). The findings revealed that there was a directly significant effect of generativity on visitors’ engagement, experience, and psychological well-being. Furthermore, both engagement and experience directly affect visitors’ psychological well-being. Moreover, findings showed that engagement and experience partially mediate generativity and visitors’ psychological well-being. Finally, according to the findings of this study, Theoretical contributions and practical implications were provided.
